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Northern Saw-whet Owl Nest Box Project
This project began with 25 owl boxes built by Jim Wilson and placed in proper habitat. They were all adopted by SRAS members and friends. In June 2020, many of the boxes were moved to State Gamelands where there are historic records of Saw-whet Owls. Several were erected on private property and some new boxes were added. In October 2023, 12 new boxes were installed at Oil Creek State Park for a total of 22 owl boxes there. There are a total of 48 Northern Saw-whet Owl boxes overall in Venango and Clarion Counties.
The boxes are monitored regularly to check for signs of activity. See the table below for some of the locations, sponsors, and recent activity.

Mal Hays finding an Eastern Screech-owl in Box 25, Photo by Larry Towse

Northern Saw-whet Owl, photo by Flo McGuire

Mal Hays and Larry Towse erecting a nest box as Forester Ty Ryan logs the location, photo by Flo McGuire
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