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Mill Creek Coalition

Pete Dalby at Mill Creek when the project began
Mill Creek
Mill Creek
Mill Creek 1995
Mill Creek 1995
Mill Creek 1995

Some photos from the early 1990s of the work being done at Mill Creek.

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The mission of the Mill Creek Coalition of Clarion and Jefferson Counties is to continue its 30 plus years of efforts to restore Mill Creek to a viable cold-water fishing stream. The Coalition has been improving the water quality of the 60 square mile watershed by utilizing different technologies to address the acid mine drainage (AMD) that had destroyed Mill Creek and its tributaries. To date about 12 million dollars have been invested in the watershed. Trout are recolonizing parts of Mill Creek for the first time in decades. Additionally, the PA Fish & Boat Commission stocks Brook Trout at numerous locations totaling about 4,500 trout per year.


SRAS was one of the conservation organizations that formed the MCC after a workshop was held in 1990. It continues to be a supporting entity. The Coalition has addressed the AMD issues by steadily developing strategies and systems in the watershed. It is presently placing attention toward the lower subwatershed of Jones/Douglass Run.


The Coalition plans to improve its ability to provide matches required for some local, state and federal grants through participating in the area’s Week of Giving and the annual Rubber Ducky Race. This funding also provides opportunities for Clarion University and high school students to become involved in real world experiences with the Coalition through water monitoring and small student research projects.

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